We have added a new Polls section, the link is above, where you are invited to vote on issues as they arise. As not all leaseholders ad owners are not on the site, the results of any poll will not be binding but they will give a useful steer to the Board on where feelings lie.
This month's poll is on Urang's performance as the manager for the development. Urang took over management of the site just under year ago. We would like a steer before the General Meeting planned for 26th January and prior to our meeting next week with Urang's proposed new property manager Precious Akopodje, who takes responsibility for the development in February.
Once you have voted please feel free to leave any comments here.
It is still not clear how / where to log issues for Urang and how long it will take them to get back to us - I tried their "bricks" portal or whatever it was called, and nothing ever happened from it, but emails to Brent and we would get a response.