This web site is designed for the Directors of the Emerald Square Residents Management Company to communicate to you and get feedback on proposed developments and improvements to the estate and its maintenance. These are reported on below and you are invited to leave comments. It does not replace Urang and any issue you may have should continue to be reported to them. The contact details for Urang are:-
Main contact Assistant Manager, Ezette Blignaut, ,
Senior Property Manager, Osama Ahmed
196 New Kings Road, London, SW6 4NF
E mail ezette.blignaut@urang.co.uk, osama.ahmed@urang.co.uk
Telephone Osama 020 7610 8311, Ezette 020 7610 8355
Out of hours Adiuvo 020 3370 9336
The posts set out below are the developments, improvement and maintenance issues we would like to update you on. As this website is in its early stages we will continue to add posts over the next few weeks.
Please note that where we are required to consult property owners on qualifying works or long term agreements that consultation may be referred to here. This will done to bring your attention to it but the actual consultation exercise will be managed separately by the managing agent.
Thanks for your interest in Emerald Square. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
9 Emerald Square, London
07939 571866